Posts tagged Development
GitLab License Management and Java 11
- Dec 21, 2018
- English
- Development
If built-in License Management functionality does not support the programming language requirements you have, you can customize the License Management docker image.
GitLab SAST and Java 11
- Dec 19, 2018
- English
- Development
If built-in Static Application Security Testing functionality does not support the programming language requirements you have, you can customize the SAST analyzer docker images.
Continuous integration with GitLab and Docker
- Oct 11, 2016
- Docker, Development
I’ve given a talk about continuous integration with GitLab and Docker on Developer Meetup VlbgWebDev. The Meetup takes place every second Tuesday every Month and i’ve met some old colleagues there.
Set $JAVA_HOME to latest java on OSX
First you may want to know which java versions you have installed, Use
/usr/libexec/java_home -V
to get a short overview:
Using SVN in eclipse on Mac OS X
- Feb 03, 2014
- System
After upgrading subversion client my eclipse could not find javahl bindings any more, because i previously installed the CollabNet ones, which are currently available for subversion 1.6.x only. The bad thing about this is Subclipse does not work any more, until you’ll install these libraries using the following solutions.
Image filesize validator for dexterity content types in Plone
- May 31, 2013
- Plone
When using Plone 4.3 with you might want to limit
max filesize for images by implementing a custom z3c.form validator. In
ATCT we were able to limit max image filesize by overwriting ATCT config file
or setting in portal_atct
Use Babel to translate your python package
- Apr 01, 2013
- Plone
I use egg-containing buildouts for all my plone packages. Since i18ndude does not extract msgids from zcml files, i tried Babel and succeeded.
Turbo twitter Bootstrap theming for Plone using Diazo
- Dec 11, 2012
- Plone
When building a new Plone theme based on twitter Bootstrap without modifying core templates you have to do a lot of xsl-styling. Hopefully this article can help you getting started.
Plone test development with robotframework and RIDE
- Nov 29, 2012
- Plone
Test driven development can be a pain. If you are working with Zope and Plone
most of time gets consumed starting up Zope running setUp
method and
rolling back transaction in tearDown
Howto use buildout version pins
When using Plone with buildout you want to be able to reproduce your environment with the same set of eggs, even if there were some new releases in between.
Install Robot Framework RIDE through homebrew
- Oct 16, 2012
- Jul 03, 2017
- Plone
Python, wxPython and robotframework RIDE on your Mac OS X
Change minute_step in Archetypes DateTimeWidget
- Aug 31, 2010
- Plone
Sometimes you need minutes which could not be divided by 5 which Plone
doesn’t select you by default. You don’t need to rewrite core components
in Archetypes DateTimeWidget
to change this.
Howto send mails from localhost through a smarthost on OSX
You’re getting weird errors like “Connection refused” from your local smtp library? You may have to reconfigure your local mailer.
Tell svn client to use a proxy-server
- Mar 09, 2010
- System
If you have or your server has to use a proxy server to access the internet
you may have problems with your svn client although you aready set your
environment variable(s).
Howto use custom color for collective.captcha?
- Apr 23, 2009
- Plone
How to use your custom color with collective.captcha and Plone? This tutorial shows you an easy way to customize it using your own BrowserLayer.